The Mission of Dias con Cristo is to rekindle the Spirit of Christ in order to live life fully in the joy of the Lord.

Who We Are
Dias con Cristo is an ecumenical Christian ministry whose purpose is to spread the love of God by conducting three day weekend retreats. These retreats promote spiritual renewal of all individuals and all denominations within the Christian community through proclamation of basic Christian Love revealed in the living Gospel of imparting knowledge, developing convictions and in the process add to the continual revitalization of the church and the community.
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Our Focus
Dias con Cristo (Spanish for “Days with Christ”) has its roots in the Roman Catholic movement called “Cursillo,” which is a short course in Christianity. Dias con Cristo is inter-denominational, and is sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada. Dias con Cristo has its home base in Reno, Nevada. The Dias con Cristo community includes members from as far as Yerington, NV to the east and Quincy, CA to the west.
We are a discipleship under the leadership of Jesus Christ. He calls us as disciples to build and strengthen Christian Communities. ONE way we will know that we are successfully demonstrating Christian Community in action in the Dias con Cristo Community is when we have to make an extra effort to find enough space to hold everyone at Ultreyas and weekends. On this journey we will endeavor to reach as many people as we can, and through the Holy Spirit, ignite a spiritual fire within them so they may take that passion back to their communities and their churches.
Dias con Cristo weekends are 3-day experiences in living, learning and loving in a Christian community. We discover and deepen our relationship with God, with Jesus Christ and with each other. Dias con Cristo is a movement largely led by lay people, with participation by clergy. Something which sets us apart from Cursillo, Tres Dias, Walk to Emmaus and other fourth day movements is that our weekends are not only inter-denominational but co-ed as well. We have found that we are enriched by the participation of both women and men in our weekends and as we move into our fourth day.